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Stick AZEMAD Flash Ferran Font
Size: 102cm
Blade: Laminated 90º wood curvature, composite fibre coated
Shaft: Thin
Hardness: Rigid
Player Profile: Player Virtuosos
Benefits: Speed and comfort
Dazzle like Ferran!
The Flash FF was developed in partnership with player Ferran Font who wanted to infuse all of his agility and playing speed to his stick model. Unpredictable in the rink, just like a flash of lightning , the Flash concept totally fits Ferran Font´s personality.
The Flash stick has a thin and hard shaft, while keeping balance between its thinner geometry and a high density wood. Sporting narrower stick geometry, it allows for a more manoeuvrable grip, but its greater hardness allows for a surer reliability, combining speed with such as a flash. With a 90º laminated wood curvature, it’s a traditional geometry blade adapted to modern playing.
Featuring an attractive design, this stick will make you shine in the rink. .